We are manufactured and supplier licorice root in Uzbekistan. We want to cooperate with you and supply you with a quality product to your address.
As previously wrote to you, we manufacture different types of licorice root as follows:
1. Licorice root pressed to bale;
2. Licorice root sticks 15-40 cm;
3. Licorice root peeled sticks 15-40 cm;
4. Cutting roots 2-10 cm;
5. Licorice slice. (//agro-uzbekistan.com)
These roots are a maximum of 12% moisture content. We want to cooperate with you and are ready to offer you a price with delivery.
We hope for long-term cooperation!
Best regards,
Omon Djuraev
"Nateco Impex" LLC
str. Mustakillik 75, Tashkent City, Republic of Uzbekistan
Mob: +99890 933 05 75 (imo, telegramm, viber & whats'app)
E-mail: omon.djuraev@gmail.com
skype: omondjuraev